
Scott Bauer

You could consider me a full stack software engineer focused on distributed cloud native big data applications. Generally I spend my days writing Java, Node, and JavaScript/TypeScript while dreaming of doing something similar in another languange (typically whichever language is trending). Research and development, prototypes, and being a general jack-of-all-trades are my areas of expertise. I am always open to learning new skills and retooling if it will help advance the goal.

I love making things, especially for the web. Every project offers a chance to provide value to the customer, learn something, and better the world. Having been around computers and the web for as long as I can remember, I developed a passion for technology and use it to solve problems daily. This has led me to be self-motivated and intensely focused on the task as hand.

My other love is design. The graceful profile of a chair, the soulful font of a book, and the elegant layout of a website. All of these send messages to the viewer, even if they are not aware of it, and I find this fascinating. In my spare time, I further explore design and forms through traditional furniture making. Good design is universal and timeless. Being at the intersection of technology and design affords unique experiences that I live for.

Please see my résumé and GitHub if you are interested in having a discussion. Here are some other ways to reach me as well. Chances are I will respond.